Question by ARIEL: wwhat is the concept of national consciousness that America experienced in the late 18- early 19th century and
how did enlightenment of europe influence this consciousness.
how did the publications of the time influence public opinion?

Best answer:

Answer by blueorchid_chic
alright I’ll do your homework for you,
Think about technological and social changes occuring at the time both in Europe and America, the women’s movement for example, the acklowledgment of black peoples opression, example: plessy vs. furgeson, trains become desegregated which leads to brown vs. the board of education, desegregating schools etc. Also the industrialization of America gave way to child labor and other deplorable working conditions which in turn gave way to a demand for workers rights, example: triangle shirt waste factory fire, variouse infamous steel mill strikes.
Crack open your history book and take a look at the events taking place, and more importantly how and why did these events take place.
“how did the publications of the time influence public opinion?”

uncle tom’s cabin, on racial inequality, bonfire of the vanities, the jungle, on the political machine and the working peoples almost impossible struggle, grapes of wrath, AND think about political cartoons! Who and why did they portray? How did they apply to issues at the time?
Good luck.

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