Question by sam: In university requirements, is geography considered a ‘science’, or is it only physics, biology, chemistry?
I know that biology, chemistry and physics are typical sciences, but i was wondering if geography was considered as a science?
In terms of university requirements/applications..? (in the UK)

For example some courses i am looking at, state the requirements of English and a science..and physics was the only science i took at GCSE level, and i dropped it after that.

oh studies. i don’t know why i didn’t think of that..cos i actually know it aha 😐 there was just something in the back of my mind thinking that geography might be classed as a an earth science.

oh well..thanks anyway. [:

Best answer:

Answer by ☮Androgynous☮
Geography is considered as a social study, I believe.
Also, chemistry, biology, and physics are lab sciences, unlike psychology, sociology, and physical science.

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