Rank these college science classes from the easiest?

Question by Deni: Rank these college science classes from the easiest? Rank from 1-10 easiest to hardest or rank them in which order I should take them in college or both. Thanks! Biochemistry Biological Sciences Chemistry Food Science Health Science Microbiology...

Where did our consciousness come from?

Question by Jupiter: Where did our consciousness come from? Was consciousness always a part of human life or did we gain it later on through human evolution? Best answer: Answer by DanielI would think we gained it through evolution. Know better? Leave your own answer...

Where does the so call spirit get it’s consciousness from?

by h.koppdelaney Question by Think different: Where does the so call spirit get it’s consciousness from? Living things get consciousness from their brains. How do non conscious entities manage such and for that matter memories or recall of any kind? Best answer:...

Q&A: Is it hard to switch majors from different subject areas?

by brewbooks Question by : Is it hard to switch majors from different subject areas? Hey there, my intended major in college, which I start the coming fall, is Political Science. I don’t know if I am going to drop it, but I want to include neuroscience. They are...
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