Question by the chameleon: Are there seasons (or “cycles”) of consciousness?
Like there are seasons and cycles of the earth, and of its creatures… what about within consciousness? And if so, what are the ramifications of this?

What season, or cycle, of consciousness are we in currently?

And as always… please elaborate!

Thank you to those who answer…

Note: Question asked in two sections, no need to answer in both! 😉
Safri Duo – “Samb Adagio”

Best answer:

Answer by dojosan
One of the more thought provoking questions I’ve seen in here lately. Ok, here goes: I would postulate that there are “seasons” or cycles of consciousness based on the fact that the same forces which act on and shape the outside world, also act upon the unseen portions of nature, inner consciousness being one of them. I have observed that at different times of the year, at least within myself. I am more productive, or more inclined to switch off the tube and grab a 10,000 word crossword puzzle and it appears to be cyclic. It is possible that my observations are tainted by the fact that I exist within my own consciousness. Again,stellar question…

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