Question by trailerparkbobpart2: why am i thought of as “stupid” for believing in God?
I have a BS in Physics, a minor in mathematics, im taking post secondary education courses in philosophy and have 2 letters of recomendation to attend a Masters course in consciousness research, well versed in the Pythagorean Quadrivium(mathematics, harmonic theory, geometry and astronomy) and how those 4 subjects are related. I know mathematical history better than most of the professors I have had. But yet when I mention I believe in God and an underlying intelligent order to the Universe I am automatically labeled ” Christian fanatic”( Im not Christian) or a believer in superstition or weak of mind etc etc etc . I know how science works, I know the laws physics and astronomy, but I still believe in God, so why does that make me “stupid”?

Best answer:

Answer by abstract_alao
No one is stupid for there beliefs unless they follow them blindly.

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