Question by royalflushster: What is the field of psychology relating to consciousness?
I am currently a psychology undergraduate student, and I have the most interest learning about consciousness (levels of consciousness, sleep, dreams, drugs, hypnosis, etc.).

I was curious what branch of psychology this would be in.

I want to go to graduate school and I would like to one day become a psychologist.

Also, is a sociology minor good for this field? (because that’s what I’m currently in) If not, what should I change it to?
Please also let me know about the minor and/or other courses to take

Best answer:

Answer by Reveille
Cognitive Psychology is probably what youre looking for but not every college has this as a major. It all depends on what your ultimate goal is. Cognitive Psy explaines what we know that happens in the mind; but if your trying to become a therapist then I would lean more towards Counseling psychology (although it wouldnt go into detail about (levels of consciousness, sleep, dreams, drugs, hypnosis, etc.).

Grabbed this list from wikipedia:
3.1 Fields of research
3.1.1 Abnormal psychology
3.1.2 Biological psychology
3.1.3 Cognitive psychology
3.1.4 Comparative psychology
3.1.5 Developmental psychology
3.1.6 Personality psychology
3.1.7 Quantitative psychology
3.1.8 Social psychology
3.2 Fields of application
3.2.1 Clinical psychology
3.2.2 Counseling psychology
3.2.3 Educational psychology
3.2.4 Forensic psychology
3.2.5 Psychology and Law
3.2.6 Health psychology
3.2.7 Human factors psychology
3.2.8 Industrial and organizational psychology
3.2.9 School psychology

Sociology is probably the most relevant but again this depends on which college you go to and what minors/courses are offered.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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