Question by Rhianna: What are the differences between astral projection and meditation?
I know they are not the same but if one is meditating is it possible that they could astral project if they are deep enough in meditation? I guess it would take years or a lifetime to be able to get to that point. The reason why I’m asking is that I want to learn to meditate but do not wish to astral project.
I read the answers posted so far and that is what I thought. The reason why I don’t want to astral project is because it is possible to open yourself up to evil presences. I would be interested to know how the experience feels however to those who have tried it. Also do you think it is possible to open yourself to an evil presence while mediatating? I have never heard such a thing and they always say that mediation is good for you. Is it possible to go so deep that you could actually lose yourself?

Best answer:

Answer by tysavage2001
Meditation and astral projection are two different things with two different goals. Astral projection is when you feel as though your spirit has left your body and is traveling around. That won’t happen during meditation. Don’t worry. You can safely meditate ! 🙂 Good Luck !

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