Question by Raziel_angel: What are some symbolism and elements in “sword and sorcery” fantasy?
I read up on stories of Kull the conqueror along with Conan the barbarian, and thought about doing some artwork in the sword and sorcery theme. What are some of the elements and symbolism that occurs in the style?

Best answer:

Answer by Toesocks
I have researched symbloism heavily for about a year or two now for my won fantasy stories, but here are a few.

Lightning bolt or flash: Power–Strength
Snake: Witches and Wizardry
Gushing blood, or blood in the form of a river: War/Death
An eagle: Creation
Arm and Hammer: Mankind/Inventing
Eye: A higher power–a source
Sword: War (obviously)
Staff: Magic (also, very obvious).

Hopefully those can get you started!

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