Question by Bruno Norway: were would i find thesse yugioh cards and how much would they cost?
silent swordman lv3 lv5 lv7
gazelle the king of mythical beasts
alpha beta and gama the magnet wariors
valkyrion the magna warrior
archfiend of gilfer
black lister soilder
magian of black choas + ritual
swift gia the fierce knight and gia the fierce knight
summoned skull
sorcerer of dark magic
red yellow and green gadget
block man
kuri boh
the tricky
kings queen and jacks knight
gandora the dragon of destruction
big shield gardna
dark paladin
buster blader
dark magian +girl
dark magicician knight
mirage knight
dark flare knight
flame swordsman
magicians valkyria
obnoxious celtic gaurd
giant soldier of stone
curse of dragon
silent magician lv4
breaker the magical warrior
mystical elf
3 egyptian gods
dark magic curtian
pot of greed
mage power
black magic ritual
heavy storm
tricky spell 4
card destruction
marshmallon glasses
de spell
dark hole
dark magic attack
de fusion
diffusion wave motion
graceful charity
magical dimension
monster reborn
magic formula
sages stone
dark renewal
magic cylender
mirror force
mystic box
thousand knives
spelbinding circle shift
time seal
magicians circle
chimera the flying mythical beast
gaia the dragon champion
dark paladin
i am willing to pay near enough £40-£80 if somone makes me an offer on ebay i will take it.

Best answer:

Answer by Chris D
One million dollars

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