Touching Enlightenment

What does it mean to “meditate with the body”? Until you answer this question, explains Reggie Ray, meditation may be no more than a mental gymnastic —something you can practice for years without fruitful results. In Touching Enlightenment, the esteemed author of five books about Buddhist history and practice guides you back to the original practice of the Buddha: a systematic process that results in a profound awareness in your body rather than in your head. Combining the scholarship that has

List Price: $ 24.95


Enlightenment (Reis)

2008 newly remastered sound and expanded packaging including lyrics of Enlightenment, an album by Northern Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison, released in 1990. It reached No. 5 on the UK charts. Exile/Polydor releases this album as part of a batch of two of the four catalogue reissues of Morrison’s albums dated from 1971 through 2002. In “Enlightenment” Van once again ruminates on spiritual matters, but this is probably the most sober and matter-of-fact expression of his personal struggle

List Price: $ 13.98

Price: $ 6.52

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