why am i thought of as “stupid” for believing in God?

by Ralph Buckley Question by trailerparkbobpart2: why am i thought of as “stupid” for believing in God? I have a BS in Physics, a minor in mathematics, im taking post secondary education courses in philosophy and have 2 letters of recomendation to attend a...

Just How Stupid Are Americans? What the data show.

In this video Rick Shenkman, author of JUST HOW STUPID ARE WE? FACING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE AMERICAN VOTER (Basic Books, 2008), discusses the statistical evidence that points to gross American ignorance about politics. He was interviewed in June 2008 by Richard Heffner...

Enlightened Stupid Marketer

This educational video helps you understand the mind of a marketer, and what shapes our decision making, workplace behavior and marketing mix. Can you become a marketer, or are they born? Find the answer you’ve long sought. Video Rating: 4 / 5

Who thinks it is stupid that you have to be quiet in a library?

by StarbuckGuy Question by Jorn F: Who thinks it is stupid that you have to be quiet in a library? I got kicked out by authorities 10 damned times for bringining a bottle of vodka and yelling at the top of my lungs across the room because stupid kids think that they...
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