Question by Belichick: strange science/physics question.?
In my chemistry class my teacher showed us this contraption (i forget what it was called) that is basically 2 clamps. you put the two together and ther eis a little space in between them then you use something to suck the air out of the space and the pressure that creates is so much that it takes like 300 lbs of force to pull the two apart. So I was sitting watching tv and I was fidgeting and put my cup of water over my mouth/chin. When i breathed it kinda did what the clamps did but it wasnt as hard to pull away, but I only breathed into it for a few seconds. So couldn’t you kill yourself by taking the air out of a cup like that until it was too hard to pull off then suffocate? Is that possible? Just a random thought I had.

Best answer:

Answer by Mongo
you wouldn’t be able too. Either the rim of the cup would break or you wouldn’t be able to suck in hard enough. I don’t think I want to test it. And I just did, anyways all you do is blow out a bit in puffs and the pressure in the cup equalizes releasing the cup, otherwise I couldn’t pull it off.

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