Question by 12gethi? {{{want to get hi?}}}: science/physics egg drop, you’ve heard it before?
ok, i need some ideas on how to drop an egg off a 25 foot balcony, without it CRACKING or BREAKING. pretty much, IN TACT.

anyways, you can only use popsicle sticks, toothpicks, recycled paper, and the dimensions have to be under 15 cm. for 2 dimensions, for instance:

5cm x 7cm x 46cm is legit, but

20cm x 20cm x 20cm is not.

anyways, i cant do “creative” stuff either. like no stuff on Mythbusters where he lowered the egg the way down, and 1/2 an inch off the ground, he “dropped” it, no parachutes, no wings, nothing to dilute gravity.


Best answer:

Answer by damian_emman
It’s not clear how Sir Isaac Newton liked his eggs done, but he would definitely approve of what some Randolph-Macon College students cooked up during the fall semester. Twenty students attempted to demonstrate some basic laws of physics without getting egg on their faces…or anywhere else in the 4th Annual Introductory Physics Egg Drop.

Students designed transport vehicles that would keep their eggs from cracking during a free-fall after being hurled from the roof of Copley Science Center. Each was limited to spending on their projects. No parachutes were allowed and students were limited in the amount of commercial packing materials they could use. The popular material this year appeared to be duct tape.

While this is a fun assignment, there was a serious side to this “yolking” around. “The students have been learning about collisions, forces, energy and momentum conservation,” said George Spagna, chairman of the physics department. “This assignment gives them a chance to apply that to a real problem, not just a textbook calculation.”

Randolph-Macon College offers several majors in the sciences including physics, biology, chemistry, environmental studies and psychology. R-MC also has a prestigious Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program where students conduct original research and compete for scholarship awards.

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