Question by hmm: What type of problem cannot be directly solved using conversion factors?
What type of problem cannot be directly solved using conversion factors?

I have a hmwrk assignment that has this question and i have no idea what the answer is and i have been researching for 2 days. If anyone knows pleaseeeee help me!
And if possible give an example 🙂
Thank you

The question again:
What type of problem cannot be DIRECTLY solved using conversion factors?

Best answer:

Answer by GRAHAM
This is difficult to answer without knowing the background and context of the question.

Factors usually just multiply one value in a particular units system to convert to another units system that is a simple ratio.

Non-linear systems do not allow this simple ratio adjustment.

Converting temperature from Centigrade to Fahrenheit is not simply a multiplication factor – a common datum level has to be integrated into the conversion.

Perhaps something like this is what is meant???

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