Question by Obssessed: So I did mystic tan yesturday and my feet look horrible, how do i get it off my feet?
I’ve scrub with a exfoliating brush and sponge but neither worked…is there any home remedies that I can do.

Best answer:

Answer by I ~♥~ ÃK€¥§
Here i looked this up for you….

Apply a layer of Witch Hazel to the area in which you want to rid yourself of the fake tan. This is a good method for a small area on your body rather than the whole thing. Apply the Witch Hazel with a cloth and rub into the skin. Rinse with water and pat dry. After a few applications to the area, you’ll notice that your fake tan is gone.
Use Hydrogen peroxide to remove the fake tan. Many people keep Hydrogen Peroxide in their medicine cupboard. In the same way that it bubbles up and disinfects a cut, it bubbles up performing a sort of liquid exfoliation on your skin. Apply with a cloth, allow it to sit for a minute, then rinse and pat dry. Repeat until that fake tan is eradicated.
Scrub your body with a dermatological buffing cloth. Several companies make them and they will be available at your local beauty supply store. Think of a loofah sponge, but in cloth form. As you scrub your skin with warm soapy water, the fake tan will be on its merry way.
Rub self-tanner remover all over your body. The manufacturers of self-tanner got smart and created an antidote for the fake tan. Available at drug stores, this cream will penetrate the layers of the skin and lighten the bad fake tan. Then moments later, you rinse and dry.
Place rubbing alcohol on your skin and scrub with a wash cloth. Rubbing alcohol will counteract many compounds in most self-tanners. Simply rinse after your application and repeat until the color has been completely removed.

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