Question by < I >: Is Consciousness … (see philosophical poll inside)?

1) a Universal Disease?
2) what it IS [and darn if “I” know what it IS]?
3) the ultimate inter-dimensional weapon of mass destruction among Parallel Universes?
4) the awareness of the Here&Now [pure and simple; the rest is just horse hooey and blah blah blah]?
5) but a pointless tear in an endless Universal Rainstorm?
6) an Inherent Organic Attempt by The Universe to reinvent Itself and change Its Physical Destiny through ever-incresing Universal Consciousness?
7) a Cause for Joyous Celebration, Chanting, and Dancing [could someone please turn off that Gospel Music]?
8) a Freak Accident of Nature/Evolution?
9) a Meaningless and Painful State than can only be masked/made bearable with heavy doses of FUN, LOVE, and SEX?
10) an inherently self-limiting human condition?
11) a Transitional semi-material “Mind over Matter” state headed for a Purely Spiritual Existence / Expression?
12) a gift wasted on the philosophical-minded?
13) the flip side of the mirror symmetry of the “I am who I am” Holy Smokes?
14) the dream of the dolphins [and I need a new age CD, and a pair of Jesus sandals, too]?
15) the Omnipotent guy’s idea of playing mind games with Himself – pretending He is NOT alone in the created Universe of His own doing; a holy quest for Meaningful Entertainment?
16) a MATRIX-like plot by a “Trans-consciousness” race of Extraterrestrial beings [a.k.a. The Q Guardians OR The Interplanetary Masons/Illuminati]?
17) a source of potential confusion when one does not consider the Higher-Order Theories of Perception and Thought, phenomenal consciousness, cognitive, electroneurobiological, causal, mystical, intentional, Inner-Sense, moods, emotions, dreams, & self-representational contents, species, and distinctions? [In other words, it ain’t as trivial to get to the bottom of this self-awareness business as it may appear to Paris Hilton or Oprah! Or is it? lol]
18) nothing but the natural extension/consequence of the laws of physics at work [as they happen to be in this Universe]?
19) nothing but an evolving language by which Humanity might someday be able to communicate with beings from a parallel Universe, governed by a different laws of physics?
20) nothing but a set of special ears to hear the musical expressions of Being, Nothingness, and Beyond?
21) DANGIT! I have my own theory (Please enlighten us).


One way or another WE, the entangled individual concentrations of self, are ALL in the same deep water as YOU:


Best answer:

Answer by M T
You came up with all of these options. Do you actually care what anyone else thinks? Participating in this “poll” would be a waste of time.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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