Physics and Consciousness
by j-No

Question by Flying Grok: How do you measure your soul ? Prove it exists ?
…and someone will surely come up with early XX century experience with some doctors killing dogs and checking their weight before and after death, and trying the same with humans.
His balance was not good, and he came up with the ridiculous idea that the soul weighs 20g.

And the funny thing, some people believed that !

Seriously folks…how do you measure the soul ?
How do you prove it exists, seeing that all consciousness, emotions, memory, instincts, altruism, … have been explained successfully using biology, physics, and NOT theology or spiritual dimension blablablabla… ?
Lion of the tribe, I invite you to check some books. Research is not hypothetical.
Studying brain-damaged people, making scans of people brain while asking them to think of something,
studying animals behavior, studying toddlers, … have produced a mass of information.

I recommend easy-to-read book by Steven Pinker, Noam Chomsky, Jarod Diamond, to start learning on this.
@Weifmester, if it looks like a duck, smell like a duck, sounds like a duck…a duck then ?
if a billion people believe a stupid thing, it does not make it true !
What makes it true ? Proof that it is true !

People believe you had to leech away disease from people blood to get them better. True, the few people who survived the treatment, were fine. The others died.
Lots of people believe in sugar pills healing them ( homeopathy ), it does not make it a serious way to heal people ( just a good way to make money ).
so… a summary…you prove a soul exist by 1)redefining the word 2)saying other people believe in it 3)quoting bible

…can you do a bit better ?

Best answer:

Answer by Lion of the tribe
you can’t measure consciousness

biological and physics explanation for consciousness, emotions, memory, etc are hypothetical

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