Question by eru_desu94: How did witchcraft and witchhunt occur in an age of scientific enlightenment in Europe?
How do you explain the phenomenon of witchcraft and witch hunts in an age of scientific enlightenment? Also, why did the witch panic occur in the late 16th and early 17th centuries? How might the reformation have contributed to it?

We’re learning about this in my AP Euro class and I was wondering about this.

Best answer:

Answer by muinghan
Ignorance among the masses.

During your “age of scientific enlightenment” it wasn’t unusual to find only priests/clergy and an academic in town that could even read.
Those that COULD read usually only read the Bible.
And in the US and England, even though people were Christian, they still held a lot of old superstitous folk beliefs.

Naivety. Ignorance. Superstitions. Panic. Fear.

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