Question by oqmsay: How accurate are Stock market guru and their trading software in prediction of stock price?
I am very new to online stock trading and suffered many loses in intra day. There are many stock market Guru and their trading software who claim 90 to 100% accuracy in prediction of price movement. Because I am tired of so much loss on my trade, I am thinking of using their service if their claim is true or other wise I have to turn to long term investment. If any one used or experienced these services please guide and suggest me.

Best answer:

Answer by M O
There is no one who is 100% accurate, because it is impossible to determine random events. I dont care what somebody told you.

The reasons you are losing money, and I can tell you this without knowing you, or your trades are the following

1. You cant read charts, this makes you completely vulnerable to predictable trade patterns
2. Because you either cant read charts, or refuse to read charts, you end up buying and selling at the exact wrong times.

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