Question by wow: Does time exist at the quantum level?
My hunch is no. There’s really no mass to affect things either way. Things can supposedly happen before the effects. So if it’s there at all does it run fast, slow, or perhaps inconceivable process that can only be shown mathematically ? And how could a tiny, tiny, clock operate way down there anyways, lol.?
When the universe “ends”, will the quantum world continue on without time, having no concept of what it was in the first place? Now there’s a deep thought, eh?

Best answer:

Answer by goring
A quantum is an entity that cannot be divided any further..The Unit of time is a second.
is time a quantum? The Big Bang theory indicated an expansion in 10^-43 seconds. so in between the expansion time can be divided further ,However what is exactly the limit of time? it would be zero time.Hence time cannot go below zero.any more than we can freeze hydrogen below zero Kelvin.

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