Question by How should American’s raise awareness of the national debt and also raise awareness on a large scale?
I want to know how we can start to teach people how dangerous not only their own spending habits are, but the gov’t as well. I would like to raise awareness of the fiscal crisis and wonder what are some solutions to solve the problem?

Best answer:

Answer by tal
This will sound crazy but, right now, as a nation, we need to trust the Govt. Gas prices are phenomenal, for the purpose of saving us CASH (not credit) to spend on other things. This plan is very solid AS LONG as people spend their real money that they save at the pump.
People need to be aware of the opportunity that we have to recover here. Big media is destroying the mentality that has kept our economy sound for so long. We can’t change America’s work hard/ spend hard attitude. We love luxury and stuff and there is nothing you or I can to change everybody.
The best shot we have is to spread the influence socially. People must get in the spirit of holiday shopping soon so that we can jump into a solid economy in time for the democratic party to take over and keep us on track.

Hope this helps.

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