Question by nick v: For my creative writing homework, how does this cult sound?
Over the next hill, there was village by the name of Mage; a populous home to numerous necromancers, conjurers, fortune-tellers, magicians, astrologists and diviners. Almost every resident of this village is practicing the religion of Magotheism; its main practices and beliefs are built upon animal sacrifices, eidolism, geocentricism, orphism, thaumaturgy and augury. For centuries, the people have dabbled in herbs, drugs, chemicals and poisons, which eventually consumed them into unstable and deranged behaviors, shallow, eccentric and violent personalities.
The Magian villagers have self-delusions of gaining higher purposes with this art of sorcery, including making statues and names for the Gods they see in their dreams or ‘visions’.

Clauneck the god of riches and treasures
Clisthert the goddess of the night
Bechaud the god of storms
Frimost the goddess of women
Frucissiere the god of death
Frutimiere the god of feasts
Harlequin the god of comedy and foolishness
Kiepoth the god of dreams and visions
Khil the goddess of earthquakes
Humots the god of knowledge
Morail the goddess of the unseen
Muisin the god of advices
Surgat the goddess of secrets
Sirchade the god of beasts
Huictiigaras the god of curses

Best answer:

Answer by BrokenEye, the Straw Man version
Do your own damn homework

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