Question by Unknown: Do you know anything about there mysteries?
Does Atlantis really exised and they used advanced technology?
Did certain people of past on earth once upon a time were developed like 21th century?Then some people talk about a road which looks like it created to land planes?
Do you know mysteries and secret technology of Assyria,Akkadian empire etc?
Then whats your opinion on Mayan temples and astronomy
how they counted that even they were too primitive?
How could strange mythologies around world exist without supernatual phenomena?
Answer If you deeply studied such things.

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. P
If you are seriously interested in this then you need to keep notebooks and pay attention to details. I almost didn’t answer this because of typo’s and bad grammar.

Yes I have researched a lot of this myself, almost have enough for a book leading in a certain direction. I am certain we have underestimated the technology of the past only because it was not widespread, most was destroyed in wars and the Ice-age got in the way.

I believe Atlantis was a generic name for a civilisation that was destroyed at the end of the ice-age – the great floods, and was the same “golden Age” that the Egyptians called the “Sep Tepi” – or ‘First Time’.
I also think technology existed certainly to work rock similar to that of today using diamond tipped core drills, and the machinery to drive them – as the evidence is still visible at old sites around the globe.
If you look at the pyramids and layout of Teotihuacan in Mexico, it looks more like a refueling depot for spacecraft than a random religious structure. I believe strongly that form follows function – so it was created for something!
You do not need supernatural origins for these, but it does point strongly in the direction of alien visitors to earth in the distant past. Otherwise – why are we so obsessed with sky gods?

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