Question by K_a_t_i_E: Do anyone know of any ancient myths or 19th century novels that include metamorphosis?
I need to write an essay about metamorphosis in literature and I need somme ideas on books or myth I could write about. I already thought of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde and Montmorency so any others would be appreciated!

Best answer:

Answer by Fat Dragon
Not to be Captain Obvious here, but how about Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” (Ancient Rome) and Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” (early 20th Century Germany/Bohemia)?

The myth of Narcissus comes to mind as well, but it’s included in Ovid. A beautiful young man falls in love with his reflection in a pond and turns into a flower.

Also, there’s a lot of metamorphosing going on between Merlin and young Arthur in TH White’s The Once and Future King – a mid-20th century take on the Arthur legend.

There’s also The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde – not exactly a metamorphosis, but the protagonist only ages in a portrait of himself that he keeps locked up in a storeroom, while his physical body stays young and handsome.

Aside from Ovid and The Picture of Dorian Gray, of course, none of those fit your time frames, but I hope I was of some help anyway.

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