Question by Violet.Haze: Christianity: A Mystic Religion?
… Do you consider Christianity a Mystic Religion?
Please give your understanding why it is, or why it isn’t.

(Ex. The distinctions/similarities between Christianity and Mystic Religions.)

And for those that don’t mind, state your religious background/position. (I’m collecting data for a poll. I appreciate your help!)

Thank you for participating!

P.S. I look forward to hearing everyone’s Point of View! 😉

Best answer:

Answer by eelai000
absolutely. it has a common ancestor with several mystic religions.

people go into trances and cast out demons. they repetively pray to dead people and hold tradition and ceremony as acred. and they think they are immortal. how much more mystic does it get?

former-christian now naturalist who still believes in a Cosmic Conceiver

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