Why do scientific discoveries raise philosophical problems?

Question by Future: Why do scientific discoveries raise philosophical problems? i.e. Quantum mechanics and the problem of free will. Best answer: Answer by jezzi_funThe touchstone of the value of philosophy as a world-view and methodology is the degree to which it is...

Q&A: How to raise eating disorder awareness?

Question by : How to raise eating disorder awareness? I really want to help find ways to raise awareness of eating disorders (mainly dealing with teens): bulimia, anorexia, binge eating, etc. Any ideas of how I can help raise awareness? I would also like to raise...

How can I raise awareness of mental illness in teens?

by Art Institute of Portland Question by HalleyHerion: How can I raise awareness of mental illness in teens? I want to raise awareness of mental illness in teens. I would really like to educate people about this. I’m mainly targeting the people in my school....

Q&A: How can i meditate to raise my consciousness?

Question by Ryan R: How can i meditate to raise my consciousness? im looking for two types of meditation. one where i can possibly astral project, or just control a dream, and another that will raise my consciousness. im a pagan if that helps. i love nature and i...
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