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Are there seasons (or “cycles”) of consciousness?

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Is free will an illusion?

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Mystic tan and big boobs?

by Phil's 1stPix Question by Chelsie C: Mystic tan and big boobs? I love mystic tan and have never had a problem with it, but I am "busty" so the mist can't get under my boobs so it's just white there when everywhere else is golden delicious 😉 haha anyways, just...

Where does the so call spirit get it’s consciousness from?

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Do rhetorical ideas deny the existence of the universe..?

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Physics in College… required?

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What are good graduate programs for systems neuroscience?

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Cults of hellenic gods in greece?

Question by Holy Spirit: Cults of hellenic gods in greece? Can someone explain what he cults to certain deities did or practiced in ancient greece please? Best answer: Answer by [Muslim] islam is peace™alot of those practices moved to christianity ***** I am muslim by...

Canadian highschools? science related classes?

by the_exploratorium Question by hint hint: Canadian highschools? science related classes? In my freshmen year of highschool every grade 10 had to pass science 10 in order to be able to branch into chem 20, bio 20, or physics 20. Im wondering if i should take all...

what was the job of the alchemist in the elizabethan times?

by callmekato Question by m: what was the job of the alchemist in the elizabethan times? can u also tell me what an alchemist is, im soo confused Best answer: Answer by magika84The word alchemy comes from the Arabic al-kimia: "the art of transformation." So basically...

Example of an epiphany in Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist?

by Bernt Rostad Question by Divination: Example of an epiphany in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist? Could someone perhaps find Santiago's epiphany in The Alchemist? Best answer: Answer by ND DVMThere are a number of manifestations of divinity in The Alchemist, such as...

Full metal alchemist. Going insane! 10 points?

Question by hanyou1: Full metal alchemist. Going insane! 10 points? Hi. I'm super confused about the order of FMA. Does it go season one fma season two fma then brother hood? Or am I missing something like a movie or episode. I watched 51 episodes and it said full...

I dont understand Full metal alchemist /brotherhood?

by lau.svensson Question by Nick: I dont understand Full metal alchemist /brotherhood? *SPOILERS* *SPOILERS* *SPOILERS* *SPOILERS* I watched all of full metal alchemist and the ending made it seem over but i went on to see Brotherhood. I was confused about Brotherhood...

Can someone recommend a good source on Mithraism?

Question by Ryan: Can someone recommend a good source on Mithraism? I'm looking for a decent source on Mithraism, an ancient Roman mystery religion. I've found a few books on Amazon that are all extremely scholarly and fairly inaccessible to an armchair historian like...

Sciences that require little math?

by D.H. Parks Question by irlnnl: Sciences that require little math? I am currently an engineer major but i hate it so much. The mathematics is just too difficult for me, and even the non math classes have math (i.e. physics, fluid mechanics). What type of science...

Q&A: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Question on the Chimera?

by Zior_ Question by Aaron D: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Question on the Chimera? Does anyone know what the episode is called where Alphonse and Edward end up meeting a man who is a State Alchemist, but is in jeopardy of losing his license because he is making...

Do you really need to know physics as a computer science major?

by the mad LOLscientist Question by ραλπθ: Do you really need to know physics as a computer science major? Some universities require three calculus based physics and I'm desperately trying to get out of it. UC's such as UCLA and UC San Diego, gladly berkeley doesn't...

first time mystic tanning?

by Seth Tisue Question by Peqo: first time mystic tanning? do you need to purchase tanning lotion to get a mystic tan (to help you when you're mystic tanning)? do you have to pay for the lotion they give you to put on your fingernails and hands and feet? do you put...

first time mystic tanning?

Question by Peqo: first time mystic tanning? do you need to purchase tanning lotion to get a mystic tan (to help you when you're mystic tanning)? do you have to pay for the lotion they give you to put on your fingernails and hands and feet? do you put this lotion all...

T.S. Eliot and the Stream of Consciousness.. Help, please?

Question by RandiVoo: T.S. Eliot and the Stream of Consciousness.. Help, please? My term paper is "the style of stream of consciousness in the writings of T.S. Eliot". Does anyone know the main environmental influences that led him to use that technique? Or not...

Where can i watch full metal alchemist ep. 35?

Question by ttchaos911: Where can i watch full metal alchemist ep. 35? I started watching full metal alchemist on youtube which didnt have anything past episode 33. Then i found episode 34 on some site by googleing it. but now i cant find 35 anywhere. all the sites...

Christianity: A Mystic Religion?

Question by Violet.Haze: Christianity: A Mystic Religion? ... Do you consider Christianity a Mystic Religion? Please give your understanding why it is, or why it isn't. (Ex. The distinctions/similarities between Christianity and Mystic Religions.) And for those that...

is neuroscience extremely hard?

by Luciana Christante Question by Brittany D: is neuroscience extremely hard? i'm not in college yet, but i will be soon. im thinking about going to a small liberal arts school, and i want to study neuroscience. my uncle, on my moms side, and my cousin, on my dads...

Do other people have a consciousness like I do?

by Jeff Pioquinto, SJ Question by lomashibal: Do other people have a consciousness like I do? I've been thinking this question for so long, do other people have a consciousness and mental awareness like I have? I am so worried and afraid that I am the only...

Please help urgent!!!!!!!!!!!?

by Elen Schurova Question by Allen A: Please help urgent!!!!!!!!!!!? My teacher has told me to find a list of all the mysteries of the world which are unsolved till today. i have to give my assignment by 12/10/08 i.e. day after tomorrow please help me i will really...

Q&A: how to remove a mystic tan?

by Digital Explorer Question by Me: how to remove a mystic tan? i got a mystic tan at the tan co and im orange...any home remedies? Best answer: Answer by JenniferSt Tropez has a great sunless tan remover! but, if you want a home remedy, I'd suggest just using an...

English to latin Translation for “Mystic Glen”?

by Phil's 1stPix Question by cc_henson: English to latin Translation for "Mystic Glen"? I have a group I want to name "Mystic Glen" but I want the name in Latin. I know Mystic is "Mysticus" and Glen is "Dena" but I am not sure the which order they should appear in and...

Q&A: Why is “the Alchemist” represented with a skull?

by callmekato Question by wastical: Why is "the Alchemist" represented with a skull? I have seen a few rings or pictures where a skull is described as "the alchemist" does this have something to do with the play or with the plague? Or what? Best answer: Answer by Luna...

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