by admin | Jun 18, 2014 | Forum
by deadstar 2.1 Question by aditi3333: Looking for grants for phd in neuroscience degree.? Hello, I am planning on going to school next year to start my phd in neuroscience and need grants to help me afford going to school. I have never applied to any grants before...
by admin | Jun 17, 2014 | Forum
Question by vanessa: do you understand that neuroscience has already proven that afterlife is impossible? if that part of the bible is a lie than what’s the point of believing the rest? because thought processes cannot be created without a host like the body...
by admin | Jun 2, 2014 | Forum
Question by Cade: What is a career in Neuroscience like? ANYONE with neuro experience please!? What is a career in Neuroscience like? ANYONE with neuro experience please!? IN CLASS what should I expect? A lot of reading? Memorization? Hands on? How many years does it...
by admin | May 29, 2014 | Forum
Question by fishing4squirrels: How important is genetics for a neuroscience degree? For my degree course my first year of neuroscience is basically the same as a first year biology student. So I was wondering how important the different segments of biology will be for...
by admin | May 27, 2014 | Forum
Question by mermaid: in simple world what is Cognitive neuroscience looking into? I know its a mix of psycology and neuroscience, but is it lookign into human act a certain ways cuz of the cells in them? Like what is is it? Best answer: Answer by MCognitive...
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