by AlicePopkorn
Question by Dances with Kali: Is physical manifestation an arising or a fall of consciousness?
Kundalini runs both up and down the central channel, once Kundalini is “raised” we see the descent of Kundalini, of life as the arising of consciousness. True or false?
I didn’t say consciousness is changed but that it arises with each life, in other words….the more ponds, the more consciousness. If this isn’t the case then life is worthless.
Best answer:
Answer by Alan Turing
There is no way to answer the question because it is just nonsense.
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i think its true.
Physical manisfestation or Bhoutik Swaroop is neither an arising or a fall of consciousness coz consciousness or Chetana can’t be changed. Accord. to Adwait, both your and mine soul only represent one Brahman. It is like a moon who is reflecting in every pond, ocean and pot. But the moon is one.
Chetana or consciousness and everything is only present because of Dwait(Duality). If we eliminate Dwait, Chetana and all other aspects of subtle part of the body merge in ParaBrahman. So they are unchanged. It is our own views that watches it arising or falling. You see the sun rising from the east and sinking in the west. But the sun is stable. Then why is it seen moving? Because it is earth that is moving. In the same way Chetana Tatwa is always eternal and unchanged, it is our Bhoutik Muhan(mind) that see difference in the vision of this world and inside its own body.
When the curtain of Maya is removed and Devi Shakti captures your heart, everything becomes crystal clear means “there is nothing anywhere except Paramatman.”
Edit:- Agreed, I didn’t say different from you. you call it arising and I call it more transparency. But for me both are same.The aim of both words is to explain the freedom of physical bond and identifying Paramatma Swaroop in Bhoutik Swaroop (physical manifestation). You connected it with a “growth”, so it has become an arising of consciousness for you and I took it as restoring my real self as it was gifted to me by Him. I wanted to be as I was in the beginning. So there is not difference in arising and transparency.