Question by Marcus: What Kind of Degree Should i Get? Planetary Science, Physics Or Computer Science?
I am torn between Planetary Science, Physics Or Computer Science. What would be the best path in Life? Salary and Job wise. I have not started High School and i need to know what classes to take next year
Best answer:
Answer by odimwitdwon
It is delusional to actually BELIEVE you are ready for adult decisions and life choices. Keep your options open.
Somehow your mental state allows you to believe you are ready to make this kind of adult decision. Wow. There are and will continue to be many more jobs is CS than in Physics and forget Planetary Science (whatever that is – lol)
Try some different things until you’re sure what you like. I just love you kids pretending to be adults. Wow. you haven’t started high school and are already asking about what college courses/major you “should” get. Well, if you had the capability, I’d suggest you go with a concentration on physics until your junior year in college. Then decide between those majors which you really enjoy.
Rule 1. Accentuate the positive ( focus on that which you’re good at),
Rule 2 Its about loving what you do.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Computer Science, because computers are the future & most Computer Science jobs get a good amount of pay.
If you’re not in high school, you still have lots of time to think about this. To prepare yourself for college, I’d suggest you to take all the sciences and math that are offered in your school (bio, chem and phys; algebra and calculus). Then, when you decide, you’ll have the requirements that you need.
I can say that you could have a job that combines all three of those things. Probably most prevalent is computer science, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be easiest to get that job. There are also people that do double majors or double degrees (some people at NASA for example have physics and geology degrees). If you only want to specialize in one, doing planetary science or physics probably means you’ll end up doing grad school too (but if you’re not in HS yet, that not something that can easily be considered yet), since a BSc won’t get you too far. Computer science is probably easier to get off with just a Bachelor’s. But if you’re interested in doing science, you might be able to learn the computing aspects of that science rather than get a full degree on that.
In conclusion, just make sure you take your sciences and math and whatever is needed for college. When you are about to graduate you’ll be more clear. But take note, even college students are not necessarily sure what they want to do, and they take the opportunity while in college to get a “taste” of what these fields are like. So don’t stress out if you can’t decide now!