Question by LaBrittany T: What is the difference between Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood?
I just started watching fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood and i want to know the difference in the original so i can keep watching it.
Best answer:
Answer by ◊⇧Vergil⇧◊ 902
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is a reboot of the series that follows the manga (unlike the original series, which differs from the manga after Greed kidnaps Al). Some major differences include different humonculi, *spoiler* different main villian (Father instead of Dante), Scar doesn’t die, Greed doesn’t die and instead inhabits Ling, Roy goes blind, and Pride (King Bradley) is now Wraith with his son being Pride and Izumi’s son being taken out of the story completely.
Think of brotherhood as the true series, it’s what really happens.
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From what I understood of my friends rant the other night, is Brotherhood actually goes back and follows the manga from the point of divergence between the manga and the original FMA.
In other words Brotherhood is more “canon”.
FMA:B follows much more closely to the original manga if not it’s exactly like the original manga. FMA is adapted from the manga but the writers changed a lot of things making sort of their own version of the story.
The animation in FMA:B is also VERY nice, perhaps nicer than FMA but it depends on if it’s consistent.
I personally like the character designing in FMA better though.
There is a lot of differences. Even in the begining.
First off Lyor isnt as important, neither is Rose.
The reason for Al losing his body is reviled.
Envy dies.
Scar doesnt die
there is no Dante.
Yuki guy (the chiense corrupt millitary guy) doesnt die
Marcho doesnt die
There is more countries
Wrath isnt a kid its Bradley
Pride is Bradleys “son”
The main Baddie is father
Al and Eds dad always lookd that way(had that body)
the Stones are created more easily
Glottony is a Failed Gate (and is killed/asorbed by pride)
Lust is killed by Mustang
Havoc can not walk anymore.
The way Greed, Pride, Sloth. ect are created isnt by a Human Transmutaions but by Father.
there is alot, and you will find more as you watch
hope that helped
Brotherhood follows the manga, while the other anime series strays greatly
Haven’t watched brotherhood yet, but it follows the manga much more closely than the first anime series.