Question by Kitteh-n-Da Red Hoodz: What are the Mysteries behind the ancient babylonian mystery religions?
Is it still a “mystery”-or has anyone figured them out?
Any thoughts are welcome.
Best answer:
Answer by fdrc
whatever they are they didn’t work Babylon has been conquered by more countries than any other.
What do you think? Answer below!
Halloween , magic , spiritism , voodoo spells …mystical powers talking to the dead…my pizza guy’s at the door…be back…hold up pink
Who is mystery Babylon? Revelation 17:5 reads, “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Just from analysing scriptures alone from the Book of Revelation a consistent theme can be seen of an Apostate Church that persecuted the Christian Saints through the dark ages for 1260 years. Further analysis reveals that this Apostate Church is the key component of mystery Babylon and changed God’s law in favour of pagan traditions. The ultimate climax seen is God taking justice on this Apostate Church and those that supported her, for her crimes and fornication just before the second coming of Christ, which is also part of what is known as the Battle of Armageddon. Just before this happens the issue of 666 and the Mark of the Beast will be enforced and all will have the choice to bow down to the image made to this Apostate Church or to Worship God only and keep His Commandments. Those who willingly disobey God in favour of bowing down to the commandments of this Church and mystery Babylon, the mother of Harlots, will ultimately receive her Mark and “shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God.”
I don’t think they can be cracked, but I’m pretty sure no one has figured them out.
They have been in practise down through time. You must be of a certain bloodline to gain entrance.
The Jesus Mysteries…it’s a book and I think does a very good job explaining what the ‘mystery’ religions were and why much of what Jesus said was metaphorical.
I am afraid that the world will soon find out all about that religion. I believe that this mystery religion is the one that Gog of Magog will establish in the end. A religion where worship is given to the ruler of the world and whereby the only way to buy or sell will be to receive his mark upon your head or hand.
Satan does not really require absolute devotion. He only wants a token, much like Caesar only required a pinch of incense as a token of worship. But that token is enough to betray Christ and if only for a handful of rice many will give up eternity with our Lord.
Christians must resist the pressures and subtle sneak attacks upon our faith.
The big mystery is:
What is that cornlike substance in my dinner LOG! LOL
I think it is still a mystery. There are many interpretations out there today, The difficulty is mainly in determining the identities of “Mystery Babylon” of chapter 17 and “Babylon the Great” of chapter 18 and ascertaining the differences between the two identities. The woman on the Beast is described as a harlot, she is the world religious system led from Rome. Personally I think it is the EU and the new Roman Empire, but Who knows for sure. I think the time is coming very shortly, maybe not in our lifetime but within our kids lifetime, maybe. Times are getting tuff and much of what is happening in the world today is leading up to the end of times.
Nimrod, the rebel , Satan was a rebel and his blood line was from the fallen angels that went into the daughters of men.
catholic church….of which islam is a spin off
the early protestant chruches reamied free for some time, ut catholic insurgents brought them back into ine, wit the symoblism and imagery used
the jehovahs witnesses and mormons are freemasomnic branches of catholism
linked by sunday worship, disfellowship/excommunication
prayers to saints mary etc…or prayers to the 144,000 after denying Jesus as their Saviour
does that mean that every catholic is bad….no as they beleive Jesus is God, however there is a tenedency to promote the pope a mere man as god….
1260 years vatican 1 established in 598 ad and dissolved by napolean in 1798 ad
1260 years
catholcis claim that Jesus built his Chruch with peter as the rock,
however Jesus is the Rock and it was built on peters Confession that Jesus is God, which no man had revealed to Peter, God revealed it to Peter
this is on what the Church is built
Jesus also promised that the gates of hell wil not prevail against his chruch, however the armies of nopoleon previaled and overcame the vatican in 1798…..
God’s holy city is Jerusalem, catholics holy city is Rome..go figure
Just before this happens the issue of 666 and the Mark of the Beast will be enforced and all will have the choice to bow down to the image made to this Apostate Church or to Worship God only and keep His Commandments. Those who willingly disobey
Just so you all know, we have been living under the mark of the beast for almost 80 years and Christianity hasn’t even so much as peeped about it. Christianity is, itself, a fraud and has only failure to show.