Transformation: The Breakthrough
According to bestselling author Whitley Strieber, his contact with strange aliens did not end with the release of his controversial book, Communion. Instead, the “visitors” kept coming. In Transformation, Strieber challenges his own fear for a triumphant breakthrough in understanding. Soon to be a movie. HC: Morrow. (Nonfiction).
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- ISBN13: 9780830745142
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God loves us and has a unique blueprint for our life–but it’s up to us to find it and live it out. Mingling contemporary stories and biblical anecdotes with practical advice, Silvoso shows how God intervenes in human affairs today to transform people and nations. He also shares five critical paradigms for transformation that are pivotal for change: Discipling Nations, Reclaiming the Marketplace, Looking at Work as Worship, Becoming Salt and Light, and Eliminating Poverty. In these pages, rea
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Review by for Transformation: The Breakthrough
This book is the most compelling book about Alien Encounters that I have ever read. It is a brutally honest account of one man’s struggle for complete understanding of what is happening to him. I have been a critic of Strieber’s more recent books. This, his second book of the Visitor Phenomenon, better captures his feelings while he still had an honest perception of them.
Review by Chadwick H. Saxelid for Transformation: The Breakthrough
Whitley Strieber felt the compulsion to further explore the events he described in Communion and clear up some facts. He only makes the reader doubt him more. More hearsay and nothing truly concrete, unless you take the author’s continual statements of truthfulness at face value. Will frustrate even the most forgiving of readers. I still found it interesting reading, but just barely.
Review by Viva Caballe for Transformation: The Breakthrough
I loved this book,it is full of revelations about the mysteries of the human soul,and reveals that the universe is much bigger and multifaceted than the average man or woman could have ever guessed.This book is very deep,and has a definite spiritual feel to it.The book is a non fiction but poetic account of a man named whitney streiber,who has been abducted by aliens,numerous times throughout his entire life,even as a young boy.Transformation is highly literate,and extremely well written.It is never dull,a true page turner.The book reveals how whitley strieber the most famous abductee in america has been transformed both mentally and spiritually by his abduction experiences.Highly recommended to anyone interested in ufos,the new age,freemasons,life on other planets,reincarnation,God and spirituality,as well as the deepest insights into the human psyche.
Review by Anna M. Ligtenberg for Transformation: The Breakthrough
ISBN 0380705354 – I believe in life on other planets. I believe in life outside our galaxy and that there is little – if any – reason to think we are the most intelligent and technologically advanced creatures ever. I also think Whitley Strieber is a really good writer (Warday comes to mind). The problem is, I also think he’s a nutjob.
In Transformation, Strieber basically tells the story of what happened while he was working on Communion (if there’s another book about what happened while he was working on Transformation, I will not be surprised) as well as now claiming that he and his siblings had encounters of one sort or another throughout their childhoods. Not just them, either, but pretty much every single person who ever came into contact with the guy, and a few people who only came into contact with people who came into contact with him. That alone makes his story wildly suspect, but it isn’t the reason for the 2 stars ranking.
Strieber seems to hop all over the place in this book, at times leaving a story half-told. When “predictions” from his visitor contacts don’t happen as they were foretold, he bends what DOES happen to fit, much like the gullible do when crystal-ball weilding women bedecked in scarves tell them they will suffer a loss. Who WON’T suffer a loss? And who CAN’T bend reality to conform to a “prediction”? He creates theories that seem to have little basis in reality – even if you accept his visitors as reality. If it weren’t laughable, it would be irresponsible. There are so many people who genuinely, and mistakenly, believe they’ve been abducted that there’s no telling where they might run with the fantastic ball of theories laid forth by Strieber.
There are some things in the book that made me wonder… for example, this adult male parent of a young child has a house in the woods that is frequently visited by aliens and his son sleeps a floor away, closer to the entrances to the house than his parents. What? Like Al Gore and his famously stupid internet-creation claims, Strieber states “I realized the seriousness of the ozone crisis long before most others”, an “indisputable” fact – and one that I’m pretty sure is easily disproven. In the end, Strieber ends up sounding mildly disturbed and a bit like a guy with an inflated ego. His credibility is irrelevant, since he’s usually writing fiction and aware that it IS fiction; the only difference I think there is here is that Transformation is less well-written and he thinks, genuinely believes, it’s real.
Review by Lonnie Martin for Transformation: The Breakthrough
This is one of 3 of Mr Strieber’s books that I had to turn to in my hour of need. I re-read two or three times in a row making comparisons. My main question was were the visitors really a threat or higher spiritual beings. They are the most terrifying books read when encountered for the first time thinking they could be evil. The heart is petrified. Every encounter is so overwhelming at first.
I had never heard of the Nine Knocks. Thank God that you knew the real meaning. That helped me so much! Thanks for writing about it!
The chapter on “Glimpses of a New World” blew my socks off. I had an experience like one that you mentioned. I had never told anyone and you are the first to describe it. Thank you! You gave me new insight into what it meant.
I enjoyed your mentioning of the little people. What a blessing from the Lord! I also didn’t know about the Free Masons. I was so glad to hear that as my grandfather and uncle are in that society.
I find it very interesting that everything you mention is happening now in our life times. Wow! You have done such a great service to mankind!
There is no doubt in my mind that this bunch is good and that is such a great relief. So mote it be!
Highly recommended book and like always well written. Your books are adding up and taking us with you on a wonderful journey. Keep giving us more information. It is much appreciated and needed.
Review by Mike Sime for Transformation
This is a great extension to Anointed for Business, which I have been implementing on a daily basis since reading it 5 years ago. The lessons learned from others experience is encouraging and empowering. Ed’s fluid way of writing and style for making it simple to follow the steps to success is truly a blessing. I look forward to implementing these additional tools in my daily walk so that I am able to fulfill God’s plan for my life and be a useful tool in His hand.
Review by R. McCook for Transformation
I have found this book extremely helpful and enlightening. The balance between Scripture and actual applications by people from all over the globe is inspiring to me. Ed Silvoso is a very clear writer who makes you feel at home with this material. At this point, I intend to read it again very soon.
Review by Nancy home for Transformation
I have heard about and believed the power of God could work and bring miracles in business the way it does in Healing of the body, etc. This book shows the models with expamples around the world of it working.
Powerful evidance of God’s desire and plan to change the world and disciple the nations through the marketplace.
Great of any Christin Businessman/women – especially thoes who have their own business, and live by faith.