Charlie Ramos’ animated film short based on the work of Franz Kafka; with voices by Karl-Heinz Teuber, Deidre Green, Deidre Scully, and Brian Vouglas.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Charlie Ramos’ animated film short based on the work of Franz Kafka; with voices by Karl-Heinz Teuber, Deidre Green, Deidre Scully, and Brian Vouglas.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@Bulle251 vater Du musst den directot Charlie Ramos danach fragen. Ich spielte den Vater……….Viel glueck mit deinem Project.
ich bin interessiert daran diesen clip fΓΌr einen werbefilm von meiner bananenfirm. dieser video ist perfekt.
@ReverendSyn I think that’s what the story is suppossed to imply.
Mrs. Samsa: “He’s not feelin’ well… oh, I hope it’s not that nasty bug that’s goin’ around….”
Are there any additional parts? If so, what are they titled? For example, the first one is titled ‘The Metamorphosis: Part I’.
Are there any additional parts? If so, what are they titled? For example, the first one is titled ‘The Metamorphosis: Part I’.
children probably don’t get it but i can understand the teachers that want their pupils to read it… it’s a great book.
Deeply disturbing! (althought movie itself was interesting) but why the hell would a english teacher make her childeren read such a book? Frankly, I might be afraid to fall asleep now π
Meet Gregor Samsa…..a man whose life is about to change……he has just crossed over into the Twilight Zone!!!
Wow I just happened to come upon this short clip and I have to say I was delighted to see that someone had made a short animation! I read the book in highschool last year and although it cunfused me at times with the reactions of the family and him being a bug it was a great story. I have to say I enjoyed the movie too! I really wish there was a part two!
thank you for the upload. Enjoyed the video. We are studying this story in class. Poor Gregor.
Thank You !!!!
Karl-Heinz Teuber
esta buena….!!!
I played the father many years ago.
Thank you for watching my YouTube
account. Please Check out FLICKR.
Good luck to you
Karl-Heinz Teuber
Thanks to the director Charlie Ramos.
I played the father, and I am happy you enjoyed it ! It was also fun for me as an actor to record it .
Good luck to you !
Karl-Heinz Teuber
aw man π
this video was pretty awesome.
Our teacher showed us this in class π
Sorry there is no second part.
Please contact Charlie Ramos the director. Thanks for watching !
hey this help me a lot! where is part 2 plz
this is really good. π Great job π
i have to make a presentation in school about this book. and this video is going to be the perfect thing to show to my class. thank’s!! π
This is really cool
We did this video years ago. I played the Father……..Charlie Ramos the director, moved away from here and I do not know his new address. Please try to contact him through IMDB or GOOGLE. Best wisches KHT