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Gold Ring Game of Enlightenment and Abundance: Gold Ring High Resolution DVD’s now available at The blueprint for your life was to be steady in vibration and hold the key, the frequency, so that when the time was right there would be a full completion of energies that would install a new evolutionary transformation that then would raise the body to a new higher vibration and the light body would activate on a collective level. To reach this new vibration the first step is oneness, the second step is feeling, the next step is telepathy and this builds the bridge of the rainbow that allows the mind to vibrate in unison inside the family and then the doorway opens and the galactic information comes into your world. http
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@HealthDiets Now -you- have certainly understood something! Very well said HealthDiets! Both thumbs up! 🙂
If i wanted to know about alchemy id watch fullmetal alchemist
@pupustinki is math evil? Its a tool.
Yeah, I heard the same story about three guys getting lost somewhere and someone brings a car door with them because in case it gets hot they can roll down the window
nice story and i get the point , but still he has to do some more work to realy get the soup ,
…Simply amazeing!
is alchemy evil?
im not buyin it.. your eyes are untrustworthy.. but your really trying to sell whatever it is your tryin to sell..
i still dont know what alchemy is ?a smple answer is fine im surprised, after one hour searchin this on net istill dont kno what is alchemy
That didn’t tell me what an alchemist is, if you know please please post another video explaining.
The sound of one hand clapping is indistinguishable from one hand waving way the smell of a fart !
this story never gets old
@P5ych0Alchemist62 😀
@SimplyThinkDreams i really think you should look at the history of the bible and see what terrible things it has also done it has saved few and killed many
i keep seeing these comments on just kinda like stabbing faiths in the head but i just wana say who cares what people believe in as long as their good people right? respect other peoples ideals and they will respect yours dont tell them stuff like its false or something like that just respect others
Yes, and the system that controls us is going to feed us accurate knowledge? I don’t think so. Sure religion has been manipulated to control and to advance political agendas. However, that does not mean that these imposters actually follow the Word of God. Go read Proverbs and tell me there is not more usefull wisdom in that book than any science book you have ever read.
the bible is just against knowledge thats why, so that the kings will keep the real knowledge to help control the rest !
The Bible does not teach to worship a trintiy. Sure Jehovah works through the Holy Spirit and sent his only begotten son for us. However, the Bible is consistent in that Jehovah requires our full worship in the way he prescribes. The foundation today is through Jesus Christ. The Father is greater than Christ. John 14:28. No where does the Bible teach us to worhip the Holy Spirit either that I am aware of. Many will argue differently but you shall know them by their fruits Matt. 7:20
What’s wrong with the Holy Trinity?
Indeed. Plus one.
hahah xD epic u rox xD
Unfortunately, the Catholic religion is false Christianity as most of their beliefs are rooted in paganism. For instance, they worship the Holy Trinity, Mary, etc. Which is strictly prohibited in the Bible. Everyone is free to think how they want but that doesn’t mean what they believe is truth. That is why the Bible strongly warns not to trust in the doctrines of men. I have found the truth and am planning on applying it. Check out teamlaw(dot)org for a good portion of it.
I actually was a hardcore Catholic in a Catholic school growing up who read the entire Bible cover to cover more than once. It was only when I stopped taking it literally and began to use my mind that I found many of the claims made in the Bible to be false. The Bible was not meant to be taken literally. But, this is simply my paradigm, and I realize that I should not attempt to force my views on you. Everyone needs to make their own journey. I hope yours will lead to truth.
If you believe the word of God is a lie then you are a fool. The Holy Bible has been 100 percent correct regarding prophesy. Considering that fact and the vast time period and number of writers inovled, such harmony could not be a lie. But I doubt you ever seriously studied the Bible and what it really teaches.
you are me I am you.
We are.
and all the rest is as a all and every one.
as for you kirktv love is a vibration not the ego its been placed in.
Find your vibration and join the rest on the ascent.
Spectacular, glims of God..What an awesome job..Namaste! Friend I am so grateful for your being…bows softly towards you and yours..
Great message…and music
Thanks again
peace ,love and,money! haaa
I’m just now checking out the whole “GoldRing” information. I’ve been avoiding it for a while, but I always feel that too much avoidance is no better than too early of an exposure to something one is reticent of. I now have the paradigm which will alow me absorb this information without undue effects.
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanx for sharing Rysa!! Can you tell me the name of the music in the background? I especially love the second song! thanx again!! Love & Light & Billions of Blessings to You!!
sweat, beautiful video once again, thanks for sharing.
thank You, this is a beautiful video yet again !!! But when I close my eyes, the current really gets going…just beautiful, danke from Anna, Germany
@ Effervescenceify
Thank you!
sunshine is always with us!!
i be lovin the “ommmmmm”
sunshine be with u
hello mystic.
i used to think that too.
but i learned that not everything with horns is meant to be satanic.
horns are a reminder of the mystical deer in the holy forests of God.
also, horns are a reminder of God’s power. wiccans use this as a symbol of God’s holy power, and they have nothing to do with satan. their motto is “harm none.”
@serasma Hows it coming, have you found “Them”?
@mysticmeg111 This is a beleif which is stuck in duality. All knowledge in the universe is there for you to understand and learn from.
there appears to be satanic symbolism in this video. Serpent DNA-the horns of Baphomet.
To be awakened has been a normal part of life for many years now.. for me this life is a new spiritual family. yet 80% of my generation are special the problem with many my age or younger are they are lost… The light comes when it is dark and it is most light when darkest.. This gives those times of pure light more appealing and grateful! check out earth mind spirit mind.. Explains that which helps the inner work to be done~!~doksa namaste!
Om Shanti, brothers and sisters!!!!!!
Great video.The words resonate within me.
I feel you..I feel everyone..I feel everything !
Peace,love and harmony
serasma is fine
newly awakened, myself, i can relate. but looks like you are 10 mos ahead of me. i just have a need to talk with others like me…ppl that know i’m not crazy =]
Amazing video thanks for posting it. The words are so meaningful and strangely enough everything said is what i have recently been thinking….I think i am on the right path. Thanks
namaste!!! Much love and light from here! 🙂
It means I respect divinity within you that is also within me.