Question by Jennifer K: What are taboo topics to discuss with pregnant women in America?
If a woman had a miscarriage is this taboo? What other topics are taboo?
Best answer:
Answer by MrNiceGuy
Well, not to split hairs, but if a woman has a miscarriage, she is no longer pregnant.
Either way, miscarriage and birth defects are not a very popular after dinner topics
Baby names are much better
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Just guessing, but I wouldn’t go on about how you had 47 hours of excruciating labor.
Anything that might make her fearful….people dying in childbirth, SIDS (crib death), and yes miscarriage should generally not be discussed unless the woman initiates the conversation. Also, its considered impolite to question the fatherhood of the child.
why can’t you talk about miscarriage? I think they should get over it. I guess don’t talk about going on a nice vacation to Hawaii and wearing a bikini
Never bring up a woman’s miscarriage in America unless she brings it up first.