Question by Chris C: Religion and Quantum physics – mystical connection or marketing hype?
I have heard people explaining everything from consciousness caused by quantum effects down to mystic similarities between Hindu mysticism and particle accelerators. What is your view – is there a deep underlying link between religion and quantum physics or just some clever marketing to get people to buy books and justify unscientific new age claims and their associated products.
Best answer:
Answer by The Happy Atheist
It’s bull pucky.
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Marketing hype.
If the quantum science is all there in the religion, how come it never came to light until we already knew about quantum mechanics?
Total hype.
New Age drivel. The brain may depend on some quantum effects though, but the brains of all animals would too.
Quantum physics is nothing mystical.
Its definitely not religion. Like anything, exploitation is possible. As for possible link, of course. There will always be nay sayers and the gullible. Its the individual’s responsibility to find the truth, and of course that is subjective.
Total hype.