Question by Everyone please answer this?
First of all, look at my previous questions and the answers given.
My question is, why do I rarely get any logical or rational answers?
Can it be the fact that most Christians who answer these questions are VERY UNEDUCATED on their own religion?
Also, please see the blocked questions. Why would someone complain about a question other than the reason of wanting to block out what they don’t want to hear? Ignorance doesn’t solve anything people!
Christianity Before Christ by John G. Jackson
Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are The One by Moustafa Gadalla
Egyptian Cosmology: The Absolute Harmony by Moustafa Gadalla
Historical Deception: the Untold Story of Ancient Egypt by Moustafa Gadalla
Egyptian Mystics: Seekers Of The Way by Moustafa Gadalla
Tut-Ankh-Amen by Moustafa Gadalla
Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought by James Bonwick
The Deeper Truth: Uncovering The Missing History Of Egypt by Richard Cassaro
Ancient Egypt: The Light Of The World by Gerald Massey
The Historical Jesus And The Mythical Christ by Gerald Massey
Gerald Massey’s Lectures by Gerald Massey
The Natural Genesis…Vol I and II…by Gerald Massey
The Book Of Beginnings….Vol I and Vol II…by Gerald Massey
The Origin and Evolution Of Religion by Albert Churchward
The Origin Of All Religious Worship by Charles Dupuis
Temple Of The Cosmos by Jeremy Naydler
Ruins Or Meditation On The Revolutions Of Empires And The Law Of Nature by C.F. Volney
Stolen Legacy by George M. James
Jesus..the Last of the Pharaohs by Ralph Ellis
Out of Egypt by Ahmed Osman
The House of the Messiah by Ahmed Osman
Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus by Ahmed Osman
Moses and Akhenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus by Ahmed Osman
The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt: The Secret Lineage of the Patriarch Joseph by Ahmed Osman
Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt by Rundel Clark
The Death Of The Gods In Ancient Egypt by Jane Sellers The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S
Bible Myths and Parallels In Other Religions by T. W. Doane
Aryan Sun-Myths The Origin of Religion (1899) by Charles Morris
The Jesus Mysteries by Freke and Gandy
The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects by Barbara Walker
Jesus: God, Man, Or Myth? by Herbert Cutner
The Book Your Church Does Not Want You To Read by Tim C Leedom
The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors by Kersey Graves
Pagan Christs by J. M. Robertson
The Christ Myth by Arthur Drews
The Astrological Foundation Of The Christ Myth by Malik H. Jabbar
Jesus: Pagan Christ Or Jewish Messiah? A Skeptic’s Search For The Historical Jesus by Lawrence E. Dalton and Shirley S. Dalton
The Christ: A Critical Review And Analysis Of The Evidence Of His Existence by John Remsberg
The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin With A Mythical Christ? by Earl Doherty
Where Judaism Differs by Abba Hillel Silver
Understanding Judaism: The Basics of Deed And Creed by Benjamin Blech
two volumes by George Foote Moore…Judaism I and II
To Be A Jew by Rabbi H. Donin
The Aryeh Kaplan Anthology vol. 1 and II
Celebrate: The Complete Jewish Holidays Handbook by Leslie Koppelman Ross
Living Jewish Life: Jewish Traditions, Customs, and Values For Today’s Families by Anita Diamant and Howard Cooper
The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels
Jesus And The Lost Goddess by Freke And Gandy
Fragments of a Faith Forgotten by G. R. S. Mead
The Gnostic Paul by Elaine Pagels
Pistis Sophia, A Gnostic Gospel by G. R. S. Mead
Did Jesus Live 100 B. C.?, by G. R. S. Mead,
Thrice Greatest Hermes by G. R. S. Mead,
Early Christian Heresies by Joan O’Grady
Gnosticism, Judaism, and Egyptian Christianity by Birger Pearson
The True Origins of Christianity and the Bible by Andrew Benson
The Beginning Of Christianity by Andrew Welburn
Jung And The Lost Gospels by Stephan Hoeller
Gnosticism: New Light On The Ancient Tradition by Stephan Hoeller
Gnosis: The Nature & History Of Gnosticism by Kurt Rudolph
The Gnostic Scriptures by Bentley Layton
Best answer:
Answer by moneyfornothingandchicksforfree
WAIT, what is your question exactly? im confused by this all.
Give your answer to this question below!
1) I don’t want to go on a treasure hunt for your questions.
2) I can’t see blocked questions
3) What the hell is your point?
my best guess is that your questions are long, rambling, incoherent and contain tedious meaningless lists. Couldn’t be bothered to look back over your previous questions – if the present one is anything to go by I’d fall into a deep coma if I did
Could you extend the question for six months please
This looks more like a scavenger hunt.
If you’re not getting the answers you want perhaps you should look elsewhere? Or is it that you merely wish to argue? Is your confidence so lacking that you need to feel superior by disputation with people who have a faith? What so many don’t seem to “get” is that we don’t need a mountain of evidence to prove God’s existence or the validity of the Bible. The proof is in our hearts.
Look, I’ve read a lot of these sorts of books. I’ve also read the books on the other side of the argument which were serious studies and I know which ones come out stronger in the end. And I was surprised about that turn of events, actually. I thought the non-Christians would win hands down and have rational and logical arguments on their side but it wasn’t the case. That’s after about twenty years trying myself to cut Christianity down to the quick.
And some of the non-Christians are just as quick to block something which they don’t like from us.
OK: *Maybe.*
But really, it’s hard to say for sure.
Sometimes it seems that way, but sometimes not.
ADD: Oh, darn. It looks like somebody finally
managed to locate a question in this question.
OK, maybe this will help: