Question by fullbony: physics and consciousness.?
quantum theory and relativity both depend on “observers” whose conscious measurments determine the behavior of objects. the conscious observer however is never defined nor described in this system of science. based on this gap, a legitimate question may be posed:
Do you believe that consciousness has its basis in physical form or that physical form is derived from consciousness ? what you choose determines the existence of GOD. be wary grasshopper !
Best answer:
Answer by Villhelm
Physics and consciousness
A sure sign that someone doesn’t know what they are talking about …
Observers are not “conscious”, an observer is any system which can have a state change due to the event. A particle detector is the “observer” in most quantum mechanics experiments, no consciousness is linked with the actual “detection”.
“based on this gap, a legitimate question may be posed:”
and based on your false presumption, your legitimate question is infact illegitimate.
Give your answer to this question below!
“quantum theory and relativity both depend on “observers” ”
no – they don’t.
the rest of your post is philosophy/metaphysics… so, you should probably post those parts in the philosophy forum…
good luck!
Define consciousness. Time’s up. Nobody can.
Quantum theory describes the expected outcomes of observations. There is nothing in QM that requires that the observer be “conscious.” There is no “consciousness quotient” in any equations relating to QM.
I think it’s obvious that our conscious states of mind are very much a product of our physical form. It’s a big intuitive leap to see any connection between that and an epistomological discussion of the existence of G-d. Anyway, how do you define G-d? By any definition I’ve encountered, you can neither prove nor disprove G-d’s existence, so it’s an irrelevant question as far as science is concerned. Don’t turn to QM for an answer. The question is invalid.
Yes.There is this question of ‘observer’ and ‘observed’ .I am not a scientist but I am curious to know the meaning of statements like ‘observer and observed are one’.’or ‘the mere act of observation can change the behavior of the observed particle ‘ . I am also waiting for an answer which I can understand.