Megadeth At Berkley ’84 with Kerry King and junior on bass. Drummer unknown. Either Lee Raush or Dijon Carruthers. This is an earlier version of The Conjuring. No real lyrics added yet.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

My second music video this ones of Tool the song is “Lipan Conjuring” Time lapse photography was taken with a canon XTI
Video Rating: 4 / 5
In an interview he says that they never recorded or filmed anything with Panic.
He said maybe there is someone who may have recorded something or a bootleg, but he doesn’t know. He did say he played an early version of Jump in the Fire with Panic.
Someone said “Kirk Hammett sucks.” haha. Dave had probably been freebasing cocaine the night or day before. Anyone know where i can find audio or video of Daves first band Panic?
kirk hammet sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
@stryderyourk mustaine had his own band before metallica and was already known in the thrash scene.
as always, I see the Metallica vs Megadeth crew never lets up
Either Lee Raush or Dijon Carruthers.
no it’s not gar
Gar Samuelson
jajajajajajaja Kirk Hammet sucks!
Whoever that drummer was, he surely was a beast
He wasn’t a lead when he was in Megadeth! he only played rhythm.
well after seeing megadteh i know jesus christ exist but with a different name…it ends un MUSTAINE!!
Kirk Hammet sucks!!!
you should upload it. i wanna see what solos kerry king plays
Lee Raush is on drums. I also have the wide version of this show, no closeups.
dave mustaine is the fucking god of thrash
kirk hammett sucks
Nothing, I was just messing around dude xD
wtf is wrong w/ mexicans???
Dave is GOD
metallica sucks …….. and you know kirk hammentt did not even play a quarter of mustaing dave …. and uses its wha-wha all the time by which alone makes it sound good ..
Kinda makes you wonder what Metallica would be like if they had kept Dave and if Cliff hadn’t died. Wouldn’t have nearly as many Mexicans, thats for sure xD
The reason that is, is because Dave brought a lot of motivation to Metallica, (as well as the metal attitude) and for a while James wasn’t even playing guitar. James was very introverted & shy until the wheels got rolling in Metallica. And even when James got to playing & writing his own songs, Dave had to teach him the songs that Dave wrote. It was partially Dave’s fault that Ron McGovney left & James & Lars sought out Cliff and moved to San Francisco. In San Francisco they influenced everyone.
Ayahuasca ceremony
@macdrian Yeah! I kinda got a big attitude in the right way!
Tool kicks major ass when it comes to music. apparently, their music revolves around adam greys art and such. W00T TOOL!
lipan=southwest apache tribe
conjuring=excorcism; illusion
<3 Tool
<3 Mike Patton
@ledstar101 dude i literally just listen to that album before looking this up
I want to know more about this track
it’s all the members together… The low voice sounds like danny…
The howl is Justin I bet.
I love this, I think it strikes a cord withinanyone listening to it, i think anyone can appreciate this. it makes me think of a dirge
Anyone checked out Tomahawk’s album Anonymous?
oh, my bad. i just assumed that it was him. apologies
its not maynard singing….
Im pretty sure but not a 100% positive but i think this is suppose to be tools version of an ancient Indian exorcism chant…. but w.e it is i think its absolutely amazing and calming….. TOOL FUCKING ROCKS MY WORLD 😛
i love maynard’s “brave” howl at the end
I know the ones chanting it are Lipan Apache but what is the meaning behind the chant? summoning the spirit of lost Lipan warriors?
What beautiful sounds!!! TOOL never dissapoints
I love the clouds building. fuck yeah.
yo siiiiiiiick time lapse
whats the point in this song… i mean. is it like some chant. ill have to find out what it all means sometime. is it a a different language. anyway, I LIKE the song, pretty peacful. wit PERCUSION
do they perform this live?
Hey thanks for the comment it’s greatly appreciated. I remember watching your
time lapse they were fantastic.
Watch you later.
Awesome video! Keep up the great work. Beautiful compilation.