9/11 First Responders To Lose Mental Health Aid
As New York City said thank you to the heroes of September 11, many who still suffer psychological trauma were told they will be losing their mental health benefits early next year. “Long term it’s going to have a devastating effect on a lot of the members,” said Frank Ancona, retired firefighter. About 4,500 people who were in Lower Manhattan on 9/11 and don’t qualify for other programs are …
Read more on WCBS-TV New York
“No need for new mental health hospital in Bridgwater”, says NHS
NHS bosses have clashed with a private firm over the need for a new 62-bed mental health hospital in Bridgwater.
Read more on This is West Country
‘E-mental health’ to assist rural areas
There are calls for an expansion of ‘e-mental health’ to help the reach of services into rural Australia.
Read more on BigPond News
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