Question by 0475839216: if there is to be a paradigm shift or cultural revolution in the black community concerning?
a functional or somewhat thriving community, or a more functioning and thriving or efficiently operating black community, how will this take place and is it on the horizon. thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Jan Stolz
Not so much a shift as getting their act together. It only takes a change in attitude to change a culture.
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just twenty years ago you could only find black college athletes in your favorite hang outs. Today the mix not only black but Asian Indian strikingly different. Education has taught confidence and confidence has risen the bar.Black men are the key, their work has just begun.They must themselves forget the color of people or they will stall out in their most respected progress.I am afraid until this happens then we remain at a stalemate.Of course I’m referring to the ambitiously motivated in all races.