Question by Alexander S: How can Quantum Physics explain consciousness?
I have heard that the field of Quantum Physics and non-locality can explain how neurons in the brain fire (Macro-Quantum brain communication) but, if this non-locality is not affected by time, does that mean that our consciousness is latched on to multiple people, past, present, and future, as well as in other parallel worlds which could have split up based on our choices?
Best answer:
Answer by Ivan A
Nope, consciousness is not a quantum effect. The brain itself has a lot of different “wiring” and interconnections that give rise to consciousness and all can be perfectly modeled using classical electrodynamics without having to assume that electrons are waves.
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Quantum mechanics (QM) is a set of principles describing the physical reality at the atomic level of matter (molecules and atoms) and the subatomic (electrons, protons, and even smaller particles). These descriptions include the simultaneous wave-like and particle-like behavior of both matter[1] and radiation[2] (“wave–particle duality”). In the quantum mechanics of a subatomic particle, one can never specify its state, such as its simultaneous location and velocity, with complete certainty (this is called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle — see its formula in the box to the right).
Certain systems, however, do exhibit quantum mechanical effects on a larger scale; super fluidity (the frictionless flow of a liquid at temperatures near absolute zero) is one well-known example. Quantum theory also provides accurate descriptions for many previously unexplained phenomena such as black body radiation and the stability of electron orbits. It has also given insight into the workings of many different biological systems, including smell receptors and protein structures.[3]
Even so, classical physics often can be a good approximation to results otherwise obtained by quantum physics, typically in circumstances with large numbers of particles or large quantum numbers. (However, some open questions remain in the field of quantum chaos.)
Hameroff and Penrose have a theory that connects quantum physics to brain functioning. It’s called Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory (ORCHOR) and they claim it explains how neurons fire in the brain. However, we don’t have a precise definition of consciousness, so the question of whether consciousness is quantum or not is still in the speculative and metaphysical realm of discussion.
Nevertheless, we know the universe abides by the equations of quantum physics. We also know the visible universe is in equilibrium. Therefore, we can deduce that everything in it is entangled, because everything interacted with everything else at the the big bang. Local interactions always form, and are necessary for the formation of entanglements. These entanglements make the universe a single quantum object and everything in the universe is part of that single quantum object.
Therefore, one could logically conclude that if the universe is quantum and entangled, then it’s also in superposition. Which means that your body, your consciousness, etc. exist in parallel worlds. Does your consciousness extend to your parallel selves? I don’t see why not. Descriptions of Buddha consciousness would seem to support that notion. Does your consciousness extend to the past and future as well as the present. Obviously, yes to the past and yes to the present. I would also say yes. The past, present, and future are all quantum entangled. They are just different universes in the many worlds interpretation. Obviously, they are part of the same multi-verse, therefore, they must be entangled into a single whole. So why, if consciousness can be projected into the past and present, that it couldn’t also project into the future? And since quantum is time symmetric, why couldn’t your future you have a conscious influence over the past you?
Anyway, this is all metaphysics and can’t yet be proven. I don’t know of any experiments that have yet been devised to try to disprove these concepts, either, so it’s really speculative. However, it’s obvious that our “normal” experience is limited in scope and that reality is a far vaster information space than our senses are attuned to gather. But in my opinion, if you are stuck in Newtonian consciousness, then you’re missing out on the richness and opportunity offered by a more quantum-consciousness outlook on reality.