George Carlin May 12 1937 – June 22 2008 Thank you George Carlin, your insight was of huge importance for the human race, you will be greatly missed by many. You are forever in our thoughts. Please be civil in your discussion 🙂
George Carlin May 12 1937 – June 22 2008 Thank you George Carlin, your insight was of huge importance for the human race, you will be greatly missed by many. You are forever in our thoughts. Please be civil in your discussion 🙂
@Chris2550525 Only thing: “Dick and Jane” are no longer about learning to read. They teach multiculturalism and putting condoms on bananas.
@bricksalegend Hahahahaha!
I hope he remembers to take his geritol 🙂
@argmex17 I think some suffering is also a consequence to actions, but also happenstance.
@bbdog141414 OK, your decision. You’re missing out. I was once where you are, so maybe you’ll do as I did and give it a shot, just once. I don’t mean church. I mean just opening your heart. From my experience, God loves us no matter what. No need to answer, unless some day you want to try. I’ll be glad to help. Email me via my channel if you ever decide. All the best!
@Moshikashitenai quite many people are believers really and im not only saying that Cristian religion is bullshite i say all religions are bullshit
@MrDukenator Oh and it’s “you’re” or “you are”; “your” is possessive.
@MrDukenator Why?
@hectixx Your an idiot!
@Moshikashitenai I was replying to a post touting hell as the truth. Practically wishing Carlin was in hell cause he said some nasty things that hurt the all powerful, all knowing super-beings feelings.
If Hell is real and Carlin is in Hell for THAT then the God he speaks of sure does have an inferiority complex.
SUCK ME GEORGE. it was funny till that ending stuff. aetheists are the scourge of humanity.
@Ir1shM3talhead Your right man
I am Agnostic on the notion of “god” (great spirit, the force lol, life, etc.), but I am 100% atheist when it comes to religion 😀
since when being an athiest being satanic?
christians showing there great logic once again ¬.¬
“if it’s not christian then it’s evil” how fucking narrow minded do you have to be to think that shit
@bbdog141414 brilliant way to shut kutwrite up.
Spoken like a true christian.
Love your morals and values!
LMAO…. that is a lot of fucking!!!
No damage done my friend.
@Moshikashitenai But without god’s intervention, none of us would have existed and had to face potential hell fire. Why make a creature when there’s a very likely chance that it will just suffer unimaginable pain for all eternity? o_O
@IOWNplaysetman Well that was quite strange, I actually directed that comment towards Mock. But yes, I completely agree with your concept.
fuck the illuminati fuck the freemasons fuck this old ass satanic burn in hell
@LutzakVideos haha…hell.
You must be awfully stupid if you believe in that. I pity people like you..so mindless and unintelligent.
I hope for the day when people like you come to their senses and start acting as individuals instead of slaves.
How do you have faith in anything when your only knowledge is your mom’s nurturing, being fed, cleaned and sleeping. The mind (at infancy) does not have the ability to process critical thinking issues. therefore it is impossible to be born with faith in God. You said it yourself>>>”teachings” is exactly that. If you were born in the middle east you would be taught to bow east and pray five times a day to a totally different god!
It is what we are “taught”
@0hN0M3l0n I think you misread my comment. I do not believe you are born with a belief in anything. You do not have the cognitive ability to believe anything. How do you believe in something that you do not know exists? The infant knows his mother, when he/she is hungry, when it is tired and when it is wet.
Everything else from that point on is “learned” behaviour!
@KutWrite No I wont see because God does not exist.