Identity Missing writes “An Ohio laboratory has produced genetically modified mice which ‘can run five to six kilometres at a speed of 20 meters per minute on a treadmill, for up to six hours before stopping,’ as well as a number of other remarkable feats. An enzyme called phosphoenolypyruvate carboxykinases (PEPCK-C) is apparently responsible, and we should hope that the scientists are correct in saying that athletes won’t be modifying their genes any time soon to get it, because it apparently makes the mice more aggressive. If anyone feels a super villain coming on, at least we can rely on these Mighty Mice. A video demonstrates just how much these little guys beat the competition.” font: &
Video Rating: 4 / 5
(French version — Genetic engineering is a threat to food security, especially in a changing climate. The introduction of genetically manipulated organisms by choice or by accident grossly undermines sustainable agriculture and in so doing, severely limits the choice of food we can eat. Once GE plants are released into the environment, they are out of control. If anything goes wrong – they are impossible to recall. GE contamination threatens biodiversity respected as the global heritage of humankind, and one of our world’s fundamental keys to survival.
It’s the energizer mouse!
They should make cats with mice sizes so there tiny
resembling this somewhat is also the enzyme AdPLA regulates the leptin levels removing it also creates a *mighty* mouse
yeah thats gonna suck, figgin super mice will take over the world
And you’ve got the most stupid mouse ever, running without any reason for a LOOOONG distance.
if those get released into the wild…
I think the mighty one is fully injected with EPO.. Just like me ^^
There are also genetic modified mouses woth a better memory than their wild cousins
born with it… they’re genetically modified!
ratinho foda esse XDDDD
well that is not accurate, they know what it does in animals.. it causes something similar to an ulcer which kills them within six months if they are not slaughtered
thaT is bull shit GM is the most useful technology invented so far
how is geneting engineering called on rats? I want to see video about engineering live organism. I heard something about taking of one gene and we can regenerate our body parts like lizards.
This video reminds me of public service advertising in the 50’s. In those days people were afraid of germs. “Microbes are little microscopic intruders and they are in your house…everywhere!” *Dramatic music* Although the scientific world didn’t see a danger at all, people still were afraid.
Greenpeace scares the people of today. What scientists call ‘genetic modification’ is called ‘genetic manipulation’ by hippies.
#tc2010 #transparency #corporations #government #biology #food #crisis #law
can we revoke the business charter? i did not agree to participate with my body or my crops or the pollen for my future seeds. how can these actions be upheld by law and supported by universities? (uh, money flow?) cease and assist in reparations immediately, please. and let us be honest and say that “organic” is a marketing farce (at least in America)
thank you for this well put together vid
@argonutter They’re most certainly trying though, we’re only breaking the surface of the relatively new field of modern bioengineering. DNA information is incredibly complex, it took many years for the Humane Genome Project to get where they are now, and humans have a mear 23 chromosome pairs. Soybeans on the other hand have 40, potatoes have 48, corn has 20, and rice has 24. That would take years to map out to fully understand.
@mmveihman not yet but they are in development
@argonutter Clever grammatically incorrect retort, friend.
@soylentgreenb Your 1st sentence contradicts your last. Don’t embarrass yourself any further, you are already off the scale of stupidity
@fourthirteen Go have your vaccine! – if there is one for stupidity
@mrfigo524 Genetic Modification refers to recombinant DNA techniques first developed in 1972. DNA was only’discovered in the late 50’s, so stop spouting BS, dummkopf
@Bautbox I’m an agronomist – you dont know what you are talking about
@EXCESSENTERTAINMENT Can they ? Well they certainly havn’t yet
@Scrizzard, Scrizzard a new synonym for moron
@Scrizzard Scrizzard’s blizzard of blarney continues
@Scrizzard Oh yeah? Care to tell us which, and provide some links?
@Scrizzard They were first introduced commercially in 1996. Are you a time traveller?
@Mom2BandC “Seeds of Deception” !
@Scrizzard BS!
I love it how people expect to condense five years of study into a conversation. I’m gonna PM you because these 200 word limits are an ass.
@WavegirlThinks – oh right, arent most uni courses are run by the govt standard of education..which would obviously be bias….What are these great benefits of Rounup ready GMO then?? are there no side effects to ingesting round up herbicide and pesticides and messing with nature..
do enlighten us sheeple, oh learned one..
You dont consider studying plant pathogens so that we can find safer, more sustainable methods of controlling disease worthwhile? Certainly I cant be doing it to help people and the environment, because I’m involved with the government.
Before I went to uni and learnd what genetic engineering actually is, I was anti-GE just like YOU sheeple. I fell for the illogical crap like this video. Now that I understand more how genetics works, I see it is full of lies.
@WavegirlThinks – if you had studied anything worthwhile, (apart from govt qualifications or jobs in govt funded co’s/labs) u would have come to the same conclusion as everyone else about GMOs being a dangerous and seriously negative proposition…What makes u think Gmo is a good thing despite all the evidence to the contrary ..? Didnt u watch this video..?