Question by social: connection between quantum physics and consciousness and HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY ?
The certain concept of metaphysics, quantum physics, conscious and awareness .I thinks that these type of the things has remarkable recovering effects to certain type of disordered mind.
In short sense, the patients with mental disorders that are grown like feral in their childhood.( 1-Child that was bound with religion 2-Limited social circle in school or at work place 3-Least Awareness to the deep cultural thing like .,a- importance of sex, b-deep influencing media and t.v.)
For these child when exposed to the cultural impurities like sex or sexuality, cultural evils, darkness of emotions and believes and religions e.c.t these impurities become their disorders
These theories have concept of consciousness that is more abstract free from cultural impurities like sex or sexuality, cultural evils, darkness of emotions and believes and religions e.c.t
These theories provide their mind the pure medium of its development so their mind begins to function normally. But reintroducing cultural impurities once again bring their mind to disordered state. These patients inquire from me
1-How should they retain their pure frame of reference of mind?
2-Why sense of seeking the pure frame of reference of mind is not universal from normal functioning of all minds?
3-Whether of not they should seek another method for normal functioning of mind that is close to real life impurities?
What is the answer of psychology to these questions for their improvement?
Best answer:
Answer by Wwwwwwwe
I know the competition and human race will not allow their recovery but it will increase their wiping out tendencies.because and telling them to finish their entire tree roots of their tree of psychology will left their brain in nonfunctional tell them to use their subconscious powers like shamans
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