Chemical Modification of Lignocellulosic Materials
Emphasizing the growing need for wood products with enhanced engineering properties, this timely reference details the fundamental principles of wood and cellulose technology and presents current techniques for modifying the basic chemistry of ligocellulosic materials.
List Price: $ 259.95
Price: $ 117.33
Chemical Modification, Properties, and Usage of Lignin
Lignin, a plant constituent, is the second most abundant biopolymer on earth. Every year, the pulp and paper industry generates over 45 million metric tons of lignin as a by-product of chemical wood pulps and uses about 10 million metric tons of lignin as a component of mechanical wood pulps. The majority of the by-product lignin is being used internally as a low-grade fuel for the chemical pulping operation, while the lignin-rich mechanical wood pulps are being used mainly to make short-
List Price: $ 215.00
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