ARTIST: Asking Alexandria SONG: A Prophecy ALBUM: Stand Up And Scream TRACK: 11 RELEASEDATE: 2009 LABEL: Sumerian Records LYRICS: How stubborn are the scars when they won’t fade away, or just a gentle reminder that now are better days? We’ll be home soon, so dry your eyes, you’ll be okay (youll be okay). Oh my God, the water is rising, is rising. You just have to believe in me, failing that I’ll ride this storm alone. We can still make it out, fuck. I can help you through this, but you have to take my hand. I can take you home, take my hand, take my hand. I should’ve known the tides were getting higher, we can still survive. They think we’re drowning, but our heads are still above the waves, above the waves. (I should’ve known the tides were getting higher, we can still survive. I should’ve known the tides were getting higher, I should’ve known the tides were getting higher, we can still survive.) You never said goodbye, goodbye, you never said goodbye, goodbye. You never said goodbye, goodbye, you never said goodbye, goodbye, and now you’re on your own. You never said goodbye, you never said goodbye, goodbye. DISCLAIMER: This song is by Asking Alexandria and I have no part in making it. This song is owned by Sumerian Records and Asking Alexandria and in no way do I take any credit for the music. I’m just uploading it so people can see it.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Revelation 17 reveals that the Next Pope will be a demon impersonating John Paul II!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
We are campaigning to get AA nominated for the upcoming Kerrang Awards 2010. Please search for this facebook group ‘Kerrang Awards 2010 – Vote for Asking Alexandria’ and show your support!! Big Love.
sick band
@CapCity2013 that scream IS my orgasm.
the scream at 3:05 is orgasmic
@adtftw666 loved themm:)
@I3FMV12 no i saw them at the magic stick in detroit.
well i like the mix of scream and clean singing
@PremiscuousLime Yes. Thank you for agreeing, and even if you didn’t agree-thank you for being civilized. =)
@BashYouLongtime i agree the band overall is a good band but not anything new like u said
Intro drums=ripoff of Attack Attack rofl. But AA is gay, Attack Attack that is. But AAlexandria isn’t anything new… :/
@I3FMV12 yeaaaa i was there too man, sick fuckin show
@eliem612 They sound like i killed the prom queen mixed with the devil wears prada.
They sound like i killed the prom queen mixed with the devil wears prada.
They sound like i killed the prom queen mixed with the devil wears prada.
They sounds like I Killed The Prom Queen mixed with the Devil Wears Prada there not bad.
@mollywhite72 at the Annex wreckroom, me too, fucking owned.
@person21257 it’s not whiney asshole, he’s just not the best, not everyone likes band who are just all screams, if you dont fucking like the vocals, skip past it, and shut the fuck up.
we’ll be home soon so dry your eyes we’ll be ok
You say Soulja Boy-I say Asking Alexandria
You say Miley Cyrus-I say The Devil Wears Prada
You say Pink-I say Bring Me The Horizon
You say Hip Hop-i say shut the fuck up
You say Pop-I scream Heavy Metal!!
You say hanah montana-i hit you in the face
92% of teenagers have turned to Hip Hop and Pop.If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,copy and paste this message to another 5 videos.
You say Soulja Boy-I say Asking Alexandria
You say Miley Cyrus-I say The Devil Wears Prada
You say Pink-I say Bring Me The Horizon
You say Hip Hop-i say shut the fuck up
You say Pop-I scream Heavy Metal!!
You say hanah montana-i hit you in the face
92% of teenagers have turned to Hip Hop and Pop.If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music,copy and paste this message to another 5 videos.
@person21257 yes i have the same feeling, normally i hate cleans, but with this band i think it actually adds to it. btw, ppl try to act baddass about every deathcore band..not just whitechapel lol.
breakdown at the end is amazing
kick ass band,
You totally Nailed it my friend. God told this to me before I even say your video and he just used you to confirm it for me on the Day I choose to fast and seek his further understanding. Please, I invite you to see the video he led me to put up. ‘The Beasts of teh Bible’ , ‘The Forth of the Bible’, ‘The Antichrist’, ‘The False Prophet’ and THE END OF THE AGE UNLOCKED (1-7)
I can tell your faith is not Roman Catholic. Read Father Malachi Martin’s books to gain insight, but ask The Lord to give you understanding. We need to pray and we need to learn and practice our faith…not just talk about it. The Antichrist will try to take Christ’s Church and He will be the last Pope.
Thank you, I thought some whole other thing!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHHHHH! I was thinking the kings where the empires that have been Assyria, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Medo-Persia, Rome, Englo-America, eight to come NWO ….wow it really is sooooo simple..Keep it simple to the facts….sweet… THANK YOU BROTHER I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Mecca also claims to be built on 7 hills. And the biggest mosque in Europe is now in rome. What about in Revelation, when it says that the antichrist will sit in the holy place? (Rome) There will be an antipope, and an antichrist. He might be the same.
@waketheoblivious Oh what a great interpreter you are! You have beaten all the philosophers like Airestotle, Socrates etc. Your statue has to be built and put up in the centre of United Nations. You should be garlanded with *&%$#@ and taken out on a procession. Stop this nonsense of yours.
@waketheoblivious With “Real Teeth” Right. Whom do we think will be this new Hitler Revelation 17 Beast dictator,that will be ridden by the Whore before this Beast turns on her?Maybe some young silken tounged German politician that is more popular than Mrs Merkel awaiting for his time of glory.
Worldslastchance had an apostacy,not surprising. The Worldwide Church Of God had one as well upon Mr Herbert W Armstrong’s death in 1986 Mr. Armstrong reached an unprecedented hundreds of millions during his ministry. This included a readership of approximately 25 million people (over 8 million subscribing households) He had the truth.Only one Church now continues this work that had been “Restored”
While the world’s attention was focused on the Michael Jackson funeral the Pope personally presented his Ecclesiastic Letter at the G8 Conference (Governing Board UN). He commanded them to “Gather the Nations of the Earth and appoint a single moral authority as dictator. “Single Moral authority as dictator” is the Anti-Christ and his letter is public record.
Looks like you are one of the beasts mentioned in the Bible, with horns out to decieve the world and trick them into believing the Holy Catholic Church is false and all sorts of blasphemies against the Mother Church and its Vicars the Popes. Who gave you this revelation? who gave you this authority? Hope you go HELL you deserve that for bringing out these type of norotious and rubbis videos
@mnmsdn …as you are my man, as you are…nyahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Could you tell me the name of the song? Thank you.
@m0okz you surely will go to hell with comment like that.
man i REALLY hate that stupid music track in these videos
but don forget to PRAY
BULLSHIT!!!!!! can’t you wright it on a most specific english? not the old ones dumb nuts!!!!! go to hell…..fuck you!!!!
What is common in all of the things here in the world??
-people always have issues on them
no one knows everything, our galaxy was just a dust in the universe, our planet was just a dust in the milky way, and so are we in our planet.. Just come to think of it, Even if you think youre INTELLIGENT, the truth is your NOT. when you PRETEND you know many things, thats the time you came up and THINK.
How man created the purple grapefruit: they put a yellow grapefruit seed into a gold pellet and hit it with plasma and when it was planted it changed into a purple grapefruit and stayed permanently purple for every generation afterward. We are already creating life today.
How to turn lead into gold. Hit is with 1.3 trillion electron volts of changes to gold and has already been done. It will be radioactive gold for 3 days then decay to normal gold after the 3 days.
it only takes 2 cells, water, an enzyme,plasma and a certain frequency to create any life form and you can grow it right out of a piece of silicon dioxide. Nature does it naturally and there are new species showing up all the time every year on this planet. You can create anything with plasma including all the elements of the periodic table.,,all matter and life.
This has already been done. You can take a chicken egg and hit it with a different frequency and change it to a salamander.
@omegafile The vids that i show you are proof.
@SanderDolce Don’t bother flooding me with emails, They all got deleted and I never opened them. Your a predator, a pestilence, go away and go worship your false BS god.
I already know how to create life and a universe and I’m not a god. I already know how to make free energy and time travel. I already know how to travel the stars in minutes. I already know how to walk though walls. I already know how they lifted the stones at the pyramids, something I decoded from rare texts. There is no god.
@omegafile the catholic church is a false church. All that they have are lies
@SanderDolce I’m one of the leading experts in the world at translating ancient texts. I have decoded some of the rarest texts in the world coming out of the Vatican library. Some of these books are worth over 100,000 dollars. Your not going to convince me of anything with you tube links to video’s made by people who are just as uninformed as you are. Your not going to convince me that an astrology book is real. Go ahead, give your money away to the church which is funded by Rothschild Zionists
@omegafile Shani was way afther the bible
The 7 worshiped gods in our calender.
Sunday = the Sun AKA Sol = god of prophecy
Monday = the moon AKA Luna = moon goddess AKA EVE
Tuesday = Mars AKA Ares = god of war
Wednesday = Mercury AKA Hermes = messenger god
Thursday = Jupiter AKA Zeus = leader of the gods AKA Sky father
Friday = Venus AKA Aphrodite = goddess of romance
Saturday = Saturn AKA Shani = god of agriculture
@SanderDolce = Idiot = Loser who will believe anything.,.who will believe a dragon will come from the sky and kill us all, who believes there is such a thing as a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns….I want to see a 7 headed me..prove they exist.