Question by karli: Are there any ancient secrets?
or anything i can do to try and figure out the sex of the baby. I know they aren’t always right but i wanted to try some. thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Noah’s Mommy.
Yes. It’s called an ultrasound around 20 weeks.
Sorry but that is the only plausible way to find out.
What do you think? Answer below!
Have someone hold a needle on a string over your wrist (palm up side). If it swings in a circle, it’s a girl. If it swings in a straight line, it’s a boy!
Old wives tales are really fun to play with and to tell you the truth, they were right with me but there are only two sure ways of finding out the sex of your baby. First, ultrasound around 20 weeks. They aren’t always positive either but will show you a penis or a vagina. Second, you could go for a amniocentesis. This is a scary test where they poke a big needle through your bellly into the amniotic fluid but it will tell you the sex of your baby from any week.
Google Gender Prediction Quiz and take some, they are super fun
Ring on a string, hang over belly button if it goes in circles it is boy and back and forth is girl.
Carry high, it’s girl……..Carry low, its boy……Morning sickness in morning worse then night, Its boy…….Look really tired and face really broke out, its a girl……Your belly looks like baskett ball inside its a boy……your belly is more of a watermelon shape, it’s a girl……your nose looks real wide spread, it’s a girl….you gain weight in your face, its a girl……spider veins or varacoss veins apare, its a boy….you almost always have presure below and in the real low part of your tummy (at pubic bone) its a boy 🙂