Question by Jimmy: Why would God – a supernatural being – be bound by the laws of science and physics?
An answer to my last question said that if God was real, He’d be bound by the laws of science and reason. Therefore, since He isn’t bound by these laws He can’t be real. I disagree.
Why would a supernatural God be bound by the laws of science, physics and reason? Wouldn’t a supernatural being be outside these laws?
Best answer:
Answer by Ode to the Damned® ÆA NR
“Wouldn’t a supernatural being be outside these laws?”
Not if it wants to operate in a universe where it created the laws.
Give your answer to this question below!
he is not bound by our physical laws and our own man made reason which is flawed
God how ever can not do things
he can not tell a lie
he can not go against his perfect Godly nature and sin
It is God who says what is reality and what isn’t Got Hope ?
The flying spaghetti monster is not constrained by petty scientific “laws.”
yes i agree with you. God does not have boundaries or limits. that wouldn’t make any sense otherwise. he was the one who created the universe and everything in it. why would he be limited by his own creation? his powers are limitless and know no boundaries.
He is not bound by them becauese he created so that we would be bound by him not us
God is not bonded to the laws He created unless He wants to follow Him. For example, Jesus Christ followed both spiritual and natural laws by needing to eat, and by walking on water. Spiritually God can do anything He wants with us, and His creation at any given time.
Moot question – Leprechauns and Santa are also outside these laws – so what?
You seem confused with basic reality.
What reason do you have to think that a “supernatural” being would be outside the laws of physics? So far there is no evidence that the supernatural exists so there is nothing to base this conclusion on. In other words, unless you actually have a supernatural being to study, we can not make any truthful statements about them.
Nothing can be outside of reality.
I know, it’s fun to imagine something that can have a physical effect on the universe without detection but it just isn’t so.
He isn’t bound by the laws of physics and science.
He created them in the first place. Some people just feel the need to fit God- something beyond all of that- into our laws
simple god doesnt exist
Because when you use this excuse anything with such power can be accepted as real.
I could say, since nature spirits inhabit the parallel spirit world and therefore are not bound by our natural laws, they exist. Or since Chuck Norris is so awesome, he doesn’t need to follow the laws of physics.
God created the laws of science and physics. He can do what he wants.
but Islam has PROOF of being true unlike any other faith. Jesus fell on his face and prayed to God in the how can he be God?
moses didnt think of Jesus as God when he prayed u know
I believe that all the miracles He performed shows that He was not bound by those laws.
He’s bound by His Word and His Word alone, What He put into effect He will NOT break. For instance He said:
Ge:1:26: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
And He will not break it, so if you want His help on matters you have to turn it over to Him and stop worrying about it or your taking back your dominion on that issue and He will not break His Word and over-ride your dominion. ♥ † ♥ ☺
This view is beset with a number of problems. First, where do these questioners receive their information? This conclusion would not seem to be arrived at through scientific means, since we are regularly told that science can nkow nothing about God. Therefore, these philosphical beliefs that God cannot supersede the laws of nature must be justified some other way.
If God created the universe, including the natural laws that govern it, what would prohibit such a Being from suspending or temporarily overriding those same laws to perform a miracle? God cannot perform logically impossible acts such as making a married bachelor or a squared circle.
However, there nothing logically impossible about God suspending physical laws he set up, especially if he wished to send a message. And if he acted miraculously to create the world, it would certainly seem that he can work further in nature.
In the end, it does not seem there is any reason, either scientific or philosophical, why God could not intervene in the world he created if he chose. In the absence of any compelling reasons to reject this possibility, we must be open to it.
Third, Jesus’ resurrection is an excellent reason for concluding that God not only could act miraculously in the world, but actually did.